V Ol . 1 0 4 ( 2003) a Ct a P Hy Sic a P O Lo N Ic a a No . 3{ 4
Th e at om i c force micro scopy in ultrahi gh vacuum and at low temp erature demonstrated its excellent capabil i ty to reach atomic resolution . N evertheless in the case of biologi cal samples high resolution has been achieved only in very few cases. W e demonstrated here the imp ortance of the appropriate choice of prob es and substrates in order to image DN A at low temp erature w ith high resolutio n. W e investigated prop erties of three typ es of cantilevers and they w ere studied by scanning electron microscopy as a function of temp erature. A large bending of cantilevers , w hich w ere coated from both sides, w as observed at low temp eratures. Theref ore uncoated cantilevers are strongly recommended for low temp erature applica tion s. Di ̃erent metho ds for immobil i zatio n of DN A on the substrate are examined at low temp eratures. First images of linear DN A on graphite at 82 K under ultrahigh vacuum conditi ons are presented.
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